Frequently asked questions
Can't find the question your are looking for?
Go to contact and ask your question.
Free? There must be a catch...
Nope, no catch. We believe in a free front-end and a paid back-end. So our free subscription is free for as long as you want to use it with full use of features (except our tool to send emailings).
1000 MB of free storage? How long will that last?
As long as you don't use a general or personal email acccount that receives lots of emails with attachments you are safe. 1000 MB will last a lifetime when you don't use YouBaze for file storage.
Do I need to install software?
No. All you need is a PC, tablet or smartphone and a browser. You can access your account anywhere in the world, as long as you have internet access.
Will my data in a free subscription be sold or used by third parties?
No! Don't worry. Your customer data is your biggest asset. We will never sell it or rent it.
Do you renew paid plans automatically?
Another no. We will email you several reminders before your paid plan expires.
I am not a wiz kid. Will it be difficult to set up?
If you are a paid user we will set your account and answer questions you will have when you start using YouBaze. If you know how to browse, you will know how to use YouBaze. It's easy to understand. If you use a free account, you can learn how to use YouBaze watching our video tutorials or find answers in our knowledge base.
How safe is my data?
It's safe. We use SSL and you can login with 2-factor authentication. On top of that we back up your data every 4 hours.
Can I export my data when I want to leave?
Yeahhh ... we found a yes! Of course we allow you to export your data. You can export contacts in a glimpse.
How can I upgrade to a paid version?
Easy: just login and go to 'settings/my account/my subscription.' You can upgrade your free account easily. You will receive an email in seconds. Once you've paid the annual fee, your paid account is activated instantly.
Can I downgrade too?
Yes, you can downgrade your account to a free plan. Be aware of data storage though. If your current plan allows you to store 5GB and your current data use is 6GB, you won't be able to upload files anymore. You need to remove files then.
I am still interested! How do I start?
That's what we wanna hear! Thanks! We advise you to open a free account first and start working with it for as long as you want. Just upgrade to a paid version when you want to use it with 2 or more users simultaneously or when you want to use our tool to send emailings.